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Sep 17, 2004

Happy Birthday to Me!
I am a quarter century old today. I am a friggin' dinosaur. There is really very little exciting about being 25. I can rent a car now without exorbinate fees for being "underage." Woop-ti-doo! I can say I am a quarter century old. Yahoo! (Remember when saying yahoo! was an excited utterance and not the name of a giant ISP and search engine??) I can also have a quarter life crisis...people usually buy really big expensive things during life crisises, right?? Hmmm...wonder if a house counts....

The only bad thing about today so far...other than our mad dashing to prepare for our buyer who is not here yet and thus we have begun the filling-time-till-she-arrives dance (hence, my post) is that my father seems to have forgetten it's my birthday. He knew my birthday was today yesterday. He picked up the cake for the office birthday party thingy. But he hasn't said word one about it today. :-\ Oh well. I did get a birthday card from TS! Very funny! It was something to the effect of:

Your birthday? I'll drink to that!
Your beauty? I'll drink to that!
etc...and then it said Who's birthday is it again?? and it was written in handwriting that got sloppier with each drink...very cute!!

I also got a phone call at 7:42 am this morning from my realtor/cousin! She's a goof!

And I got an e-mail from JG and TN this morning...

Anyway, the buyer should be here any minute so wish me luck!

posted by Ty @ 9/17/2004

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