
Plays Well With Others...

Official NaNoWriMo 2005 Winner
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Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
E-mail me at: longhorntwice -at- hotmail -dot- com... All writings and photographs on this blog are my work. Give credit where credit is due.
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Apr 22, 2005

The Best Diet Ever
So this food poisoning thing seems to work well as a diet too. In the past three days I have had what amounts to less than one day's normal food intake. And the only way it even comes close to an entire day is that I had Chic-Fil-A for lunch yesterday because I thought I was feeling better. It just barely stayed down. Beyond that, I have had one bagel, about 10 bites of spaghetti, broth, a pickle (which went down suprisingly easily) and a bunch of crackers. I am currently trying to eat a bowl of soup, but I am half way through and I think I am done. Silver-lining, Silver-lining, Silver-lining!
posted by Ty @ 4/22/2005 | 0 comments
Photo Lab
I haven't posted and photographs in a while, so I thought now was as good a time as any...These are from my last trip to Blue, Oklahoma. This is the river behind the cabin. Pretty, no?

Our Boat on the Blue River

The Blue River
posted by Ty @ 4/22/2005 | 0 comments