I posted a couple new pictures of the seedlings. I tried to post some at lunch yesterday, but I forgot I had shot them in RAW and I don't have PhotoShop CS2 here at work, so I couldn't access the pictures. SO, this morning I took new pictures in JPEG and voila! A blog post was born!
The snow peas are growing extremely fast. They seem very excited about coming into the world. Always giggling and drooling, they are really something to see! The chives seem to be waking up. They are sporting teeny tiny spikes right now. Just peeking out at the world. It's the basil babies that seem to be most shy. I just hope they come out of their shells soon (hehe...get it?? Shells?? Seeds!! I kill me!)
Anyway, like any good mom, I am trying to be sure to keep up with pictures of their growth, so
go take a look and compliment them in your best baby voices!
Labels: plants/gardening