I have (finally) updated my blogroll. I have added several new blogs to the list, and taken off a couple dead links. In the dead link category, both have new life at new sites, so go check them out!
Whirled Peas moved ages ago (both in cyberspace and to the beach in Cali), but I never updated Ms. Q's link.
Outwit, Outblog, Outsnark took a blogging reprieve, but she just couldn't live without our little corner of the world, and she is back! If you like The Amazing Race, look for her recaps in the Fall. Very funny stuff!! Also not to be missed,
Supafine!, former Chick Blogger, turned Mommy Blogger with the most beautiful son, and a sense of humor and openness about herself that is not to be missed--AND she has
shared the same air as Dooce!! AAANNNDD, she can design her own blog...and other people's...Also, a fun little get away,
Farmgirl Fare. If I had the guts, I might just do what she did, and uproot myself and move to a farm with cute lambs, a quarter acre garden and a Donkey named Dan.
Enjoy the fodder...and if you have any particularly good blogs to pass on, leave them in the comments. I am always looking for more inspiring writing.