Plays Well With Others...
I am dissapointed to see that neither Blackdeuces or Sacksworld made the list. Blackdeuces has some good offroading picks and poker content, and Sacksworld, even though it may have a pulse that is comparable to the Latin language, has some great archived Sports Handicapping info. Ty, I may have to take this up with your chief editor, Luka J.
This is because one blog isn't anonymous, thus not helping with my attempt at anonymity and the other has been inactive for sometime...there are a couple others that I have left off because they aren't anonymous and are friends of mine...otherwise you would be listed, yo.
I guess that we will just have to agree to disagree.
San Diego is German for whale's vagina.
I'm on fire! I'm on fire! Help me Oprah Winfrey!
Because I like to party.