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Official NaNoWriMo 2005 Winner
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Jul 13, 2004

Flaming Success
The Party last Saturday was a Flaming Success! I say flaming because, a.) we had about 75 candles burning, and b.) we could not cool the apartment off! It was roasting!

NOTE TO SELF>>> Must remember to turn AC to FREEZING setting BEFORE people arrive...

Everyone seemed to have a good time and people followed through and brought tons of food to represent their personalities...Some of them were:

The Passionate Hot Tamale brought a Passion Fruit mixed cocktail, and Hot Tamale Fondue.

The Indian Law Student brought brown bread (and I quote, "because I'm brown").

The Cheeseball brought Queso and chips

And my favorite...The guy who had been to Kentucky and can't cook brought KFC! (Note: he is also an official Kentucky Colonel, so I thought that should be why he brought KFC, but he said no it was because he had once been to Kentucy and can't cook...)

But I think everyone will be happy to party with us again, so happy days...
posted by Ty @ 7/13/2004 | 0 comments