
Plays Well With Others...

Official NaNoWriMo 2005 Winner
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Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
E-mail me at: longhorntwice -at- hotmail -dot- com... All writings and photographs on this blog are my work. Give credit where credit is due.
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Feb 20, 2007

Ty *HEARTS* Photography!
I have a couple photo shoots coming up, so I am finally getting around to making Moo Cards to use as business cards. So to do that, I uploaded my favorite portraits from the lasts few months to use on the front of the cards. I think it will work out to about 2 cards of each picture, which will be a lot of fun when I hand someone four or five cards to give to friends. Each card will have a different picture, which I just love the idea of.

I thought you all might want to see the photos I chose, so here is a link to the photo set on Flickr.

Also, if you particularly like one pose or another, let me know on the Flickr comments. I would love to know which poses strike a cord with people for future photo shoots.


posted by Ty @ 2/20/2007 | 1 comments