The Greenbrier was awesome. I have some great pictures to share...(IF I can ever get them off of my iPod. The camera connector seems to have hid them in a crazy secret file that my computer doesn't like.)
The resort is sort of like a cruise ship. It is completely overdone, overwhelming, huge, and full of old people and newlyweds, but somehow you don't really care and you have a fabulous time anyway. You know how cruise ships look like 1988 threw up all over them? Well, The Greenbrier was attacked by giant florals, bright colors, and crystal chandeliers in the same volatile sense. My father said it correctly when he said, "I don't think I will make it if I have to see one more giant rose." It's funny though, after a couple of days, the resort starts to look sort of pretty in it's grandeur.
This is the main building. It continues on to the left and right and behind what you can see here. It's probably the size of a cruise ship. Stately, no?