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Jul 19, 2006

Took the Aggie to a birthday dinner last night. Snuffer's. I asked him repeatedly if that was all he wanted, and that we could go somewhere a touch nicer if he wanted. (He suggested Del Frisco's with a devious grin, and I told him that was fine, but I was taking his present back if that's where we went...) Then he informed me that he has developed a new tradition in the past few years, where he just gets the best burger he can find and has a couple beers. After careful consideration and sufficient prodding, I determined he was not doing this to be nice to my pocketbook, he really did want a burger. So that is where we went.

Now, my birthday tradition for years and years was to go to Benihana. My family started going there when I was just a little kid. But in recent years, the service and show have slipped a little. So last year, we went to Abacus. One of the best restaurants in the city. I could stand having that be my new tradition. His burger tradition made me feel a bit gluttonous, though.

What do you do for your birthday? Is it a quiet dinner at home, a fancy dinner with family, a good burger?
posted by Ty @ 7/19/2006 | 5 comments