Plays Well With Others...
I have an alien signal on my phone line. They are coming to get me! Like some strange scene in a B quality horror flick. The static is unbearable, and I am currently being forced to listen to the 15 minutes of hold time to talk to a repair guru which sounds something like this:
Brrringg, Brrringg...A representative will assist you shortly. For residential and small business customers, you may chose to conduct your repair request online, at This message will not repeat...{terrible saxaphone jazz music for 20 seconds}
Brrringg, Brrringg...A representative will assist you shortly. For residential and small business customers, you may chose to conduct your repair request online, at message will not repeat...{terrible saxaphone jazz music for 20 seconds}
Brrringg, Brrringg...A representative will assist you shortly. For residential and small business customers, you may chose to conduct your repair request online, at message will not repeat...{terrible saxaphone jazz music for 20 seconds}
Etc., etc., etc.
I'm going with water on the line from all of this rain...but man this sucks...we have JUST enough signal that the calls aren't rolling over to the second line, so people call and can't hear us. Ok seriously, the ring, ring sucks...WAIT. NOOOO...I got disconnected...BASTARDS! 10 minutes on hold! I only had 5 minutes to go!!!