
Plays Well With Others...

Official NaNoWriMo 2005 Winner
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Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
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Dec 24, 2004

Merry Christmas Eve!
It's Christmas Eve and I am at work. Well, sort of. We just had our Christmas Eve party. Tons of good food, a raffle, and Secret Santas. My Secret Santa gave me a really great puffy white coat with a blue stripe across the chest...quite nice for the $20 budget! And our employees gave us (my parents and I--the bosses) each a present. They gave me a crystal chess/backgammon/checkers set...again, quite nice! I have to say the presents were much better this year! Last year I got a red fleece pull-over with puff balls at the ends of the strings...not really me! Anyway, it was pretty fun...except the person who I was Secret Santa for is the person we suspect of stealing ornaments. That made giving her a present a little bitter sweet. But all in all, a good party!! And OH! THE TAMALES! YUM!!!
posted by Ty @ 12/24/2004 | 0 comments