
Plays Well With Others...

Official NaNoWriMo 2005 Winner
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Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
E-mail me at: longhorntwice -at- hotmail -dot- com... All writings and photographs on this blog are my work. Give credit where credit is due.
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Nov 3, 2006

What Happens When You Ask a Boy to Carve a Pumpkin
Before I carved my goofy little guy, my friends and I had planned on carving some pumpkins together. But beer got the best of us, and well, the pumpkins didn't get carved so much as they got stabbed...


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posted by Ty @ 11/03/2006 | 4 comments
Going to Austin today! The Architect has an extra ticket to the game, so I am going with him! Yay! The only problem is that I am not sure how I am going to post tomorrow. Maybe I will be able to find a computer on campus when I drag the architect to the Co-op...

This should be an interesting trip. As my friend Jenny says, the fastest test of a relationship is to go on a trip with someone...Well, considering we have been dating for all of a little over a month, I'd say this is the Speedy Gonzalez version of relationship testing...

In other news, did I mention I will be on HGTV soon? I am filming an episode for one of their TV shows on Monday. I'd tell you which one, but I am afraid they are going to say my street address, and well, sorry Internets, the TV world may get to hear my street address, but you do not. I will try to take some pictures of the process though! It should be a lot of fun! Oh, and just so you don't get your hopes up, it's not one of the shows where they redo my living room. I don't get much out of it, except, I get to say my home was featured on HGTV when I sell it, but it should be a neat experience!

Hook 'Em Horns!

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posted by Ty @ 11/03/2006 | 0 comments