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Official NaNoWriMo 2005 Winner
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Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
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Nov 7, 2006

As promised, I have posted a few pictures of the television shoot to my Flickr account...Unfortunately, since I was in most of the shots taken inside the house, most of these pictures are from the part that was shot outside, but at least it gives you a small idea of what went on. The four people in the photos are Cameron (the guy in the suit/real estate agent), Amy (the only girl, and the producer), Sandy (the camera guy) and Michael (the sound guy).

Most of the day was spent in some form of waiting. We seemed to always be waiting for something to be set up, or something to be shot, or reshot, or debated. It's just like you hear, you hurry up and wait. There is a lot of sitting, but it is in such small chunks, only a few minutes at a time, that you can't do anything else, but wait.

I had fun doing the show, but I think it would be a lot more fun to do a show that is interactive, like say, Trading Spaces or While You Were Out. It seems like there would be less down time...

shot 7

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posted by Ty @ 11/07/2006 | 0 comments