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Feb 14, 2006

I HEART Tiffany...err...My Mom...
My mother is totally cool. Way awesome. She got me a great Valentine's day present. When I graduated from grad school, I bought myself this ring from Tiffany as a graduation present.

Today, this bracelet and its pretty blue box showed up. {big grin} (Click on the pic to see it more clearly.)
posted by Ty @ 2/14/2006 | 1 comments
St. Valen-blah...
You know, the only redeeming value to this day is that my mother has never failed to get me a Valentine's Day present. Emm, that's it. I have only actually been in a relationship twice on Valentine's Day ever in my life. And the last time was two years ago on the most awesome snow day ever, where we built snowmen and had snowball fights, and then, then. The day turned to shit. My boyfriend and I broke up. Umm, yeah. So, this day, not so much a great one for me. Oh and the one before that was in 2001. I flew back into Austin the day before Valentine's Day from being in Dallas for my dad's bladder cancer surgery. So I was in a wonderful mood. That one though, I must say was great, because my then boyfriend brought a potted mini rose bush so I "would always have flowers blooming in my home," a single red rose, because he knew "I needed it," and a kitten that would be named Luka. I think the kitten was quite possibly the best present I have ever gotten...except when he decides he MUST drink from my water glass at 3am, which I have built a fortress around on my nightstand to prevent him from doing so, and he knocks things off the nightstand and wakes me up in the middle of the night. Then, I curse that cat. Err...but with love and kindness, of course...

So Happy Valentine's Day, I guess. I'll be the one sitting at home pretending it really is just February 14, 2006 and that Saint Valentine never did whatever he did to get a holiday named after him.
posted by Ty @ 2/14/2006 | 0 comments