I like happy happy thoughts...This is a fun thing to write. It helps remind me that something good happens everyday even if I had a crappy one.
I sent my real estate agent/cousin on a little adventure the other day. There have been 6 or 7 houses on the market in the last 6 months in my neighborhood. All but 2 have sold and sold quickly. I wanted to see how the price I payed for my house back in October held up to my neighbors'. I had grabbed some of the fly sheets from a few of the houses and noticed that they were all listed between $15,000 and $25,000 more than mine. I wondered how close they were selling to list price.
Well...turns out, the average sell price was about $15,000 over my buy price...Not too shabby for less than a year's return!! Happy, happy!
I will think about my cruise coming up at the end of August...ahh...