This year has been quite a rollercoaster. There have been some seriously bad days, and some amazing discoveries. To recap...and note...there are some new things in here that have happened since my last post, so just because you think you know what's'd better read anyway!
The Bad (let's get the nastiness out of the way, shall we) order of occurance...
- I had all sorts of health problems last spring that led me to believe I was carrying the disease to end all diseases as no one could tell me what it was...turns out it was possibly the world's worst...guys stop reading here...yeast infection--that lasted for ohhh...three months...before we could get rid of it...
- They also thought I might have breast cancer...I don't...
- And a broken was really bad tendenitis from crazy volleyball playing...
- Oh, and food poisoning...supermarket sushi...bad idea...
- My grandmother had to have open-heart surgery at age 82, and almost didn't make it.
- Her 2nd cousin, a 29 year old (submit explative here) made taking care of my grandmother near impossible.
- My father was in and out of the doctor's office having skin cancers removed...he is fine...
- I was in two car wrecks in less than a week.
- Both of my cats have gotten sick with kitty colds...which means they sneeze all over me and I am out $250 only to have the doc tell me she doesn't know what's wrong and here are some antibiotics...
- And most recently, and most tragically, my "uncle", a dear family friend, passed away last Friday. He was in Fargo for his own father's funeral, and was shoveling snow off the walk, slipped on the ice and hit his head. He had survived a heart attack several years ago, and a slip and fall is what took him away from us. Please keep his family in your thoughts or prayers. He was a truly wonderful man.
But with all the bad, this year has also been a banner year in some ways...
- I redid my guest bathroom by looks awesome!
- I found out the lump was not breast cancer...
- I began playing volleyball more seriously...certainly not very well, but definitely with more voracity...and LOVED it...
- I discovered my talent for photography was something worth developing.
- I had the opportunity to get to know my Yankee cousin Rob (who comments here on occasion).
- I had the luck to have a cousin like Rob who helped me (and my family) get through my grandmother's illness. His friendship and kindness was invaluable this year. I hope you all have some one like him in your lives.
- My grandmother made it out of the Nursing Home/Rehab center and is home and back to her old spit and vinegar self.
- My volleyball team beat our arch nemesis in the playoffs.
- I wrote an entire book! Kismet will be on a shelf near you in...hmmm....ok, that's a good one to work on in 2006...
- I got a raise...finally!
- I bought my first car on my own!
- I have had my first photograph accepted for sale on the stock photography website !
So this year has been quite a ride. My gut tells me 2006 will a very important one for me. I can't wait to see what transpires...