Can't on the brain...We won the National Championship! Holy CRAP!
Because we ARE the greatest football team in the nation! Fuck Ya! And Vince Young is a friggin' God! And Mack Brown has stopped choking in critical games! And I am horse from yelling at the TV last night! And tired (but strangely energized) from staying out until almost 2am celebrating! And I am SOO going to the Victory Parade in Austin! And this year has obviously listened to me about having to be better than last year for fear of severe and disfiguring punishment! And I am seriously considering getting a longhorn tattooed on my ass! And apparently my mojo standing-on-one-leg-with-my-left-hook 'em-hand-on-my-head-and-my-right-hook 'em-hand-held-high worked, and shall forever more be know as Bevo's Mojo!
I am so fucking happy! I had tears in my eyes this morning when I woke up and thought of it all!!
(and P.S. I will post some game watching pics later...)