I have been quiet about my political opinions for a while now. Pretty much since the election, but for those of you who are new to my site, I am an independent. Lower case “i”. I do not like to affiliate with any party. I tend to lean left on social issues and right on fiscal ones. I will tell you straight out, I do not like our president. It is not that he is a Republican, it is simply that I don’t like his politics, and even more so, the way he handles himself. He is the leader of the free world, yet he takes month-long vacations (and his last vacation was just in April, I might add) and goes to bed at 9pm. What is this? A part-time job?
But, that is one thing, then to have said he couldn’t meet with a grieving mother—or let’s even forget that part--a citizen and war protester, because he had to “go on with his life”?? As though he doesn’t care about our troops and their families, and he has to get back to vacationing? It is infinitely disrespectful. I think this expresses so clearly why I dislike our president.
Blogger has a new feature! This one may make me stay here a bit longer. You can now post directly from Microsoft Word. The important part of this is that you can now easily save your posts as Word files…So much nicer than before. Thanks Blogger guys!
9 days and counting until my cruise! I am going on the cruise with my two best friends from undergrad…We are all sharing one room! Eek! Should be interesting getting ready!!