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Feb 21, 2005

Does Anyone REALLY Care?
I am really trying to figure out why anyone would care if Bush smoked pot. If you haven't heard, some recorded (private) conversations from 6 years ago have been released to the press. In them Bush lambasts Al Gore and several others, and quasi-admits to having smoked pot. He doesn't quite come out and say it, but basically, he says he smoked pot. Whoopty-do! Did anyone actually think the guy who snorted cocaine had never tried pot? I mean he was a Frat boy in the late 60's...Uh, duh! This seems like such a non-story. Why is it getting so much press. I had always just assumed he had smoked pot. It never occurred to me that he might not have.

Oh and as for his lame reason on the tapes as to why he wouldn't answer whether or not he had smoked pot...well it was really lame. He said he wouldn't say one way or the other because he didn't want some kid using the fact that the president (he was still governor then) had smoked pot as a reason why it was ok for them to smoke pot. Ok, I was a teenager when Clinton was in office. It never occurred to me that because Clinton had smoked pot (even if he didn't inhale) I should do the same or even use that a reason to so. Teenagers try it to fit in, not because some stuffed shirt president did it.

Anyway, I just can't believe this is NEWS to anyone. But then again, here I am typing on my blog about it...
posted by Ty @ 2/21/2005
At 10:47 AM, February 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldnt care if it werent for his "holier than thou" attitude and constant talk of morals. But then again, this guy thinks abortion for any reason is immoral, but 100,000 Iraqi deaths for oil is christ-like...

by the way, for a good book on why the Iraq war/occupation was such a dumb idea, but from a perspective you wont see on the news, pick up "Resurrecting Empire" by Rashid Khalidi. It puts the Iraq war in the context of the last 100 years of Western involvement (for supposedly "good" causes) and colonialism in the Middle East. It is a sad history of unintended consequences that every middle easterner knows, but Bush and most Americans seem to ignore...



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