Plays Well With Others...
Labels: health
yes, thats the problem, you got yeast infections because you didnt leave it up to god! isnt it obvious? If you had left it up to him (her,or whatever) before, the problem would be solved by now, and we'd all be living in itch-free bliss.
lots of people said, "leave it up to god" as the hurricane in new orleans hit and they didnt leave the city. how'd that work out?
whether you believe in god or a big spagetti meatball monster in the sky (which is equally impossible to disprove) or nothing at all, it is your body, and no one is going to solve its problems except Ty...(still thinking of the spagetti monster? go ahead, try to disprove it)
besides, if god is so all powerful, why the hell does he need us to trust him before he'll solve our problems? This god person sounds very insecure. I guess just because he is all-powerful doesnt mean he doesnt like to have his ass-kissed once in a while by his inferiors.
And I have another question: how do athiests live perfectly nice lives when they dont trust god? Strange that they can survive and accomplish things or solve issues without him. You'd think he'd make them suffer more, he seems like such a spiteful bastard in that book were told he wrote:
He kicked adam and eve out of eden for eating an apple. He drowned all of humanity except Noah and his family (and dont forget about all those godless animals he let drown too, they deserved it). He killed every first born egyptian cause he didnt like their ruler (he was kind of a dick). After freeing the israelites from slavery he made them wander for 40 years in the desert (really compassionate). Then he told them to make war on the philistines and canaanites for having the audacity to live in a place that he promised to someone else.
He made Job suffer just to prove a point (who does god have to prove anything to?). And then, he sends his only kid to die a horrible death.
And what the hell does an all-powerful being need a kid for anyway, cant he handle his creation himself?
Obviously, this all powerful guy has some major personality issues. or he fucked up when he made creation and had to keep trying to fix it (which would mean that hes not all powerful).
Or maybe its all just a fairy tale to make us feel better. But it still aint gonna solve your yeast infection....
see ya after the rapture,
My feet ALWAYS go numb on the elliptical. It's normal. At least you have THAT! ;-)
"exclusive but not girlfriend/boyfriend..."
Is NOT exclusive...don't kid yourself. I haven't seen your blog in several months, I would think that by now you could call yourselves girlfriend/boyfriend.
Sorry to hear about your health.