Plays Well With Others...
E-mail me at: longhorntwice -at- hotmail -dot- com... All writings and photographs on this blog are my work. Give credit where credit is due.I am so glad you are OK.
But it went PAST THE BLUE LINE!!! (I don't know why I'm so obsessed with that Blue Line, but Ty...I swear to you when I read about it I thought "It's gonna go past the blue line. I know it I just know it." And it did! Maybe I'm a medical intuitive!
Please be safe and keep an eye on the bite.
And we need to get planning on our party!
Lori--Thanks for all the concern! Yeah, the blue line had me concerned too. And it started to wash off and I got nervous that I wouldn't know where the line was and I wouldn't realize it had gone past the blue line!! But...I just redrew it. And all was well!!
Paul--I know!! Craziness!! I didn't have any problem with spiders until now. Now every one I see and ever cobweb that hits me I pay attention too. Still not afraid of them, but I am definitely more aware of them!!