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Oct 12, 2004

The American Dream
As of tomorrow afternoon, I will be a homeowner. Home-OWNer...How am I that old? I know I am young to be buying a house (especially to buy it by myself while I am unmarried) but it has been my plan for years. Undergrad, grad school, work for two years or so, then buy a house before I get married. I just can't believe I am already there. It feels like yesterday I was in grad school. It's exciting, don't get me wrong. And I am so happy about it! I am so tired of living by some else's rules about what I can and cannot do in my home. And I am so tired of paying someone money to make them rich while I keep getting poorer. And I can be as loud as I want now because there are no neighbors below me to disturb! I can jump up and down and run through my house and there won't be someone 10 feet below me staring quizically at the ceiling. I just can't believe it is already here.
posted by Ty @ 10/12/2004
At 9:51 AM, October 12, 2004, Blogger Dylan said...

Congratulations Ty! I'm looking to buy a house in about a year, and I'm very excited about it. Anyway, good luck and don't hurt yourself moving!!!

At 11:00 AM, October 12, 2004, Blogger Ty said...

Thanks! Let me know if you need a real estate agent! Mine is great (and a family friend)...I have movers!!! No more U-haul!! YAY!


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