First, a small apology for the lack of politics on my blog for the past couple weeks. I decided I needed a break. I was getting too upset, and there is WAY too much going on right now outside of politics to use too much brain power on that!! I have Christmas lights to put up, a tree to buy, cookies to bake, presents to find, and parties to plan!! Oh, and lest we forget, I have a house to organize and I STILL have a few boxes left to unpack. If you don't unpack them for two months does that mean you truly don't need those things?? Maybe I should just give those boxes straight to Goodwill...I already have 4 boxes ready to go to charity, what's a few more?
In the planning department, however, I have finally set a date for my Housewarming party that everyone is insisting I have. January 7. I am torn about having this party though because it feels greedy. Traditionally, everyone would bring me a present to bless the house, but I just don't want presents. And I don't really need anything anyway. But I know a lot of the people I will be inviting won't listen to comments such as, "please don't bring presents." And then I am afraid people who do listen will feel guilty for not bringing one, and well, I don't want that. So, I think I have a plan. My friend Larry suggested a Stock the Bar Party. That way, everyone can bring a bottle, and I can turn around and open them right then and there. And there are sure to be leftovers, which I won't drink without friends over, so I will have to have future parties, and they will basically get their alcohol back--in their tummies--and bonus, I can have more parties!
I also figure I need a bar to stock. I am asking Santa for
this great bar cabinet from World Market for Christmas. If I get it, I can have an empty bar and literally have my friends fill it! Add some cermony to the night!
I am also going to cook heavy hors' de ourves for everyone. It should be a rockin' good time! And I think...I think I can still have my Christmas decorations up so it will look more festive. Do you all think Jan. 7 is ok for decorations??