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Dec 2, 2004

Finally, A Plan!
First, a small apology for the lack of politics on my blog for the past couple weeks. I decided I needed a break. I was getting too upset, and there is WAY too much going on right now outside of politics to use too much brain power on that!! I have Christmas lights to put up, a tree to buy, cookies to bake, presents to find, and parties to plan!! Oh, and lest we forget, I have a house to organize and I STILL have a few boxes left to unpack. If you don't unpack them for two months does that mean you truly don't need those things?? Maybe I should just give those boxes straight to Goodwill...I already have 4 boxes ready to go to charity, what's a few more?

In the planning department, however, I have finally set a date for my Housewarming party that everyone is insisting I have. January 7. I am torn about having this party though because it feels greedy. Traditionally, everyone would bring me a present to bless the house, but I just don't want presents. And I don't really need anything anyway. But I know a lot of the people I will be inviting won't listen to comments such as, "please don't bring presents." And then I am afraid people who do listen will feel guilty for not bringing one, and well, I don't want that. So, I think I have a plan. My friend Larry suggested a Stock the Bar Party. That way, everyone can bring a bottle, and I can turn around and open them right then and there. And there are sure to be leftovers, which I won't drink without friends over, so I will have to have future parties, and they will basically get their alcohol back--in their tummies--and bonus, I can have more parties!

I also figure I need a bar to stock. I am asking Santa for this great bar cabinet from World Market for Christmas. If I get it, I can have an empty bar and literally have my friends fill it! Add some cermony to the night!

I am also going to cook heavy hors' de ourves for everyone. It should be a rockin' good time! And I think...I think I can still have my Christmas decorations up so it will look more festive. Do you all think Jan. 7 is ok for decorations??
posted by Ty @ 12/02/2004
At 12:52 PM, December 02, 2004, Blogger Dylan said...

I was thinking about when I buy a house next year about throwing a cool party, because I've never really thrown a party before. It did strike me as weird, however, to call it a housewarming party, because then it does seem like you are throwing it just to get gifts.

Not that gifts are bad, and you are all invited to give them to me.

At 1:17 PM, December 02, 2004, Blogger Ty said...

Yeah, that's how I felt, but EVERYONE was asking if I was having one. Can't disappoint the fans!!! Now I just have a rip-roaring sh*tload to do, but it will be totally worth it!


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