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Apr 4, 2006

Bring It On!
I had my first training session at the gym last night. My trainer is Shane, and he has a mohawk. Yup. Mohawk. He's cute though in that X Games sort of way...and married, but at least he's nice to look at! He had me doing some great stuff. My goals are four fold. First, to straighten out my body. I favor my right leg and that is causing problems with my right hip flexor that I need to straighten out before I really hurt myself. I also need to continue straightening out my duck feet. When I was little I had terrible duck feet. I straighten them out most of the way myself out of vanity. Now I need to straighten them a little bit more so that I am not putting too much pressure on my knees. It's all quite interesting.

My second goal is to tighten my core muscles through stability exercises. This is for general all around fitness and all to improve my movement in the sand. If my core muscles are strong, I will be able to dart and move across the sand with ease. This will also help give me some abs of steel! Summer, here I come!

My third goal is to strengthen my thoracic back and forearms. The two areas that I hurt in the last year. (See Roller Skating and Volleyball) This will be accomplished with resistance and weight training.

My fourth goal is to improve specific muscles related to volleyball moves. For instance, I will be jumping on a stand that is one foot tall. I jump from the ground with two feet to the stand and land with two feet. This will improve my vertical jump. I will also probably be doing some muscle specific weight lifting to improve upper body strength and leg strength.

And as a side effect of all of this, Shane expects I will lose 10 lbs and 5% body fat in the next 5 weeks.

And the best news is I'm not even that sore today! I'm a little tender, but I can still move. And for all the things I did with my legs, they don't hurt at all until I get into a very low squat.

I am going to be a svelt volleyball ass-kicker very soon! :)
posted by Ty @ 4/04/2006
At 8:59 PM, April 06, 2006, Blogger X said...

Could you post a little more details on your workout? I have been helping a friend of mine in the gym, and I am not very familiar with workouts orientated for women.

At 8:58 AM, April 10, 2006, Blogger Ty said...

I have been meaning to respond to this...yes, I can. As soon as I get a second to really think about what he taught me to put it into words...I have another session tonight, so I can post that too...


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