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Nov 8, 2006

Hope Isn't a Four Letter Word
While I was at lunch, the world blossomed!

I happened to check in with the lovely Supa MB over at Supafine, and she broke the news to me that Rumsfeld stepped down! And then, on top of that, it looks like the Senate is going to the Dems, as well!

This is going to sound corny, but I seriously had tears welling up. It's not so much that the Dems won, as it is the Republicans lost. The Republicans that pushed a NeoConservative Christian Right agenda with pro-life written all over it, and bad foreign policy tainting our reputation with the world, and a president who didn't have to be responsible to anyone except his croanies because he always had the votes...A government that sincerely worried me. A government that had no real checks and balances.

I don't know if the Democrats will do any better, but they will, at the very least, bring the checks and balances back. The American people might actually be represented because a bill won't be passed via partisan lines. The Dems also have so much to prove. If they want any chance of winning in 2008, they MUST have a good showing in the next 24 months.

I feel like I have a sense of hope back today. Perhaps it won't last, but at least for a little while, I feel like I can breathe. Like the window of opportunity was thrown wide open and our chance is here.

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posted by Ty @ 11/08/2006
At 3:12 PM, November 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to be a negative Nellie, but having seen the balance of power shift back and forth between the Republicans and Democrats for a lot of years, no matter who's in the majority...after awhile that party becomes extremely unpopular. It's happened with the Democrats as well as the Republicans.

While we're all in this honeymoon phase though, and have visions of sugarplums and reform dancing in our heads - it will be interesting to see where we are in a couple more years.


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