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Jul 2, 2004

Lake Travis and beyond...
I am going to Lake Travis today!!!! I got word at 8:30 last night that there is room for SF and me to go. CB said the boat was full on Wednesday, but miraculously, just one day later, he found space for two of us!

And he said the boat won't be full now because his father is is going to come watch fireworks on Saturday with us...can't have an overcrowded boat of party animals when Dad comes to visit your boat...that would look a tad infantile.

The boat is a 36' is FABU! It very comfortably sleeps 6 and with a little manuveuring and a few people on the floor, we have had 12 people on it. So somehow, between Wednesday and last night, CB managed to kick off several people...Guess he wanted Boat Candy more than former Frat Daddies! :)

If you have ever been to Lake Travis, you know how beautiful it is there. I cannot wait! And if you have ever been to a party cove, you know how crazy it will be! Boats lined up in row upon row, tied together so you can walk from boat to boat.

Dark, tanned skin everywhere you look. The most beautiful men you have ever seen surrounding don't know where to look. SF will gesture with a nod of her head and a quick dash of her eyes to inform me that I should be looking in another direction just as I do the same to her, our heads spinning with cold beer and the awe inspiring sight of so many gorgeous men.

Ahhh...Austin...why did I ever leave??? But at least I have these long boat weekends...they truly feel like a vacation. No real contact with the outside world for three days. Only cell phones, and not even a radio because we only listen to CDs. And sleeping on the's so peaceful out there. I almost can't wait to come back just so I can have that after-vacation glow. Ahhhhh....
posted by Ty @ 7/02/2004
At 7:34 PM, August 11, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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If so you can reach me at if not good articles


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