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Nov 12, 2004

Absolute Drivel
This is for you.

I have wildlife at work. Not much, but enough to make me smile. We have a Mockingbird family--Mom, Dad, and two kids who were born in July. We also have a squirrel. The Mockingbird family are quite amusing, but I will save them for another day needing drivel. Today I want to tell you about the coolest squirrel ever (except for yours, Lori--maybe they are cousins). We will call him Jake. I am choosing Jake because it sounds like the name of a marathon runner to me. This is important because Jake is a marathon runner. For the last three weeks he has been preparing for what he must think is going to be a terrible winter. He has two trees with nuts that he likes. Unfortunately, they are at opposite ends of the parking lot. And we have a long parking lot. I would say a good 400 feet. So everyday, all day, Jake runs at full squirrel speed from one end of the parking lot to the other collecting nuts. Jake is no dummy though, he is storing his nuts halfway between his Pecan tree and his Acorn tree. He runs from the West end of the parking lot with a few acorns loaded up, drops them off at the middle storage tree, then continues to the East end of the parking lot and collects a couple pecans. He turns around and heads back to the middle tree to drop off another load, then precedes to go straight back to the West tree. He continues this circuit all day, everyday. Every now and then I will turn around in my chair and almost inevitably, Jake will be running by at full tilt! He is just so determined! It is absolutely adorable. And let me tell ya, Jake gets his exercise! He is the most in shape squirrel I have ever seen! He would totally be a jock if he were human.

End drivel.
posted by Ty @ 11/12/2004
At 11:16 AM, November 14, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Ty. I feel so warm and fuzzy inside. And, I always love a nice squirrel story since my sweet little guy, Squishy, met an unfortunate fate in my pool. I can just picture Jake zipping back and forth, God bless him.

Now, if Jeff starts yelling at you again via blog comments all about how the reason Jake has a tree in the first place is because George Bush "liberated" Iraq, or the reason my squirrel died is because I deserve it for thinking Bush is a moron....I will burn the roadmap to peace that I feel this little bit of squirrel drivel has provided us, and I will stage a squirrel demonstation with posters that say "We've AlWAYS been cute and fluffy! George Bush has nothing to do with it!!" Heehee.....can't we all just get along (sniff. sniff.).


At 10:57 AM, November 15, 2004, Blogger Ty said...

Nah, Jeff is always protesting for better squirrel rights. He has these signs that say, "We're squirrels too!!" and "Down with the oppossums!" He is a real activist in the squirrel community! ;-)

At 2:09 AM, November 16, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...




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