Plays Well With Others...
As democracy is perfected, the office of president
represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of
the people. On some great and glorious day the plain
folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at
last and the White House will be adorned by a
downright moron.
H.L. Mencken
As I said in response to Mark last week, it isn't that Bush is simple-minded, because it isn't. It is that he is single-minded. That he can't pronounce nuclear doesn't bother me, it is that he won't attempt to try to pronounce it correctly.
You know, actually, I completely agree with you. I am sure he's not truely dumb, he just cannot open him mind up to other ideas or ways of thinking. I think he would be easier to deal with if I thought he was actually dumb. If that were the case, I could explain away his behavior. But as a reasonably intelligent person, to not be able to see the other options in the world, to never be able to admit he could be wrong about something, to close his mind to other ways, those are things that scare me. I have very little patience for people like that--regardless who they are.
Roget's Thesaurus gives a good definition of moron, "One deficient in judgment and good sense." That is how I see Bush. Not dumb, just deficient in judgement and good sense.
You two amuse me to say the least. Once again, you choose to harp on Bush's "single-minded" tendencies, yet you post an article referencing a "moderate" Republican being named to fill the Attorney General seat formerly occupied by a very conservative Republican.
Ok let me do the calculations. "Single minded" conservative president + Republican Congress = Moderate Republican Attorney General. For some reason 2+2 does not equal 4. Interesting don't you think.
Bush just made a move, a statement, an olive branch if you would, to appease the majority of the American people, and yet you pay it brief attention and go right back and berate him for his perceived past ineffeciencies.
That is my definition of "single minded". (Case in point of the pot calling the kettle black.)
I am not suggesting that you change your total perception of Bush due to one change that he has made, but I am suggesting that you stay open minded through the next 4 years.
Ty, I usually dismiss your views of a country so divided that Civil War is a possibility, but I am starting to give them a small amount of credence based on many of the posts that I have seen. You have, more than once, vehemently expressed to me your concerns of extreme mass division within our country. If this is such a concern, I would suggest a more open minded approach to our president. Be careful, not to help fulfill your own prophesy.
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First of all Jeff, we don't know Bush's intentions with Gonzales. Gonzales has been his friend for a decade, and Bush is the one who appointed him to the positions he has held both in Texas and Washington. Perhaps Bush just wanted a friend in that position--not looking as much at how moderate he is. And by the way, when I say moderate, I mean in relation to Ashcroft. In relation to Ashcroft you are extremely moderate, so I am not sure how reassuring that really is. I was trying to see the good in what Bush is doing. I am trying to see someone who I don't know enough about in a positive light and give Bush the benefit of the doubt.
As far as *our* single-mindedness goes, I am obviously not being singleminded because just yesterday I was praising Bush for his pick for AG. If I was being single-minded, I would have found everything negative I could on Gonzales and posted that. I cannot be 100% happy with Bush overnight. And actually, I never will be. As far as paying Gonzales "brief" attention and going back to berating Bush, A) I posted a MUCH larger post praising him yesterday, than I did in the relatively hidden comments section of my post today. B)I am not exactly slamming him by what I said today. I acknowledge he is not a dumb man and that my problem is solely with his lack of ability to see other points of view. This is unlikely to change, Jeff. I am sorry, but he has never shown me that he can see the forest for the trees. If he does, I will take that into account. But he has been, if nothing else, extremely consistant about this. My concern is not unfounded and even you can't say he has proven himself able to see things from other sides of the argument.
I made a promise to be more open-minded, as you noted, and I will. I am. As you also noted, it will not happen overnight, and just because I make one post about my negative feelings toward Bush, that does not mean I won't be open to him changing my opinion of him. He just has A LOT of work to do to change that.
And as for your last statement--creating a self-fulfilling prophecy--you are right, and that is what I am trying to avoid. As I said in my post a few days ago, I don't want to be the problem. So in that respect you correct, I should be careful. I am not going to just stop speaking out about Bush though. That would put me on your side of the argument, and that is not where I want to be. I would then just be on the other side of the division. There are two sides to this country's division, and it is not solely coming from the Democrats and anti-Bush crowd. I want to be in the middle, able to see both sides. Both the good and bad of Bush and his adminstration. So it is likely you will see a 50/50 split from me. That is where I feel I should be on this. Give the good and the bad. See things from the Democrat/anti-Bush perspective and try to see them from the Republican perspect. I am not a Republican, but I also am not a Democrat.
And lastly, as this is typed and expressionless, I would like everyone to know I am saying all of these things with a completely calm and pleasant voice. I do not mean to offend or enrage anyone. And I certainly don't mean to sound condescending or abrasive in any way. (I don't know if any of this comes off in any of these ways, but just in case, I wanted to let you all know.)
Also note that just as before, if this discussion gets too heated, I will delete the entire post. I do not want anyone to be upset. Please be nice to each other!! :)
First of All, You have the right to question Bush's intentions here, but if I were you, I would put a smile on my face and jump for joy at the thought of a moderate Republican filling the Attorney General seat. Once again, there IS a Republican president and Congress in place....
As to your comment that you are not single-minded referenced by the fact that you were "praising Bush yesterday for his pick for AG". Be careful before you bruise your back from patting it to hard. The only comment that you posted that could come remotely close to praise for the Bush administration was this, "Perhaps this will be a trend for Bush's new administration. A more middle of the road cabinet could do a lot to ease Liberal's concerns and could take some pressure off of this almost violently polarized country by appeasing both sides." I hate to speak for the general public, but most people wouldn't use the word praise to describe that quote.
As to your comment that you are "not exactly slamming him today". C'mon Ty, are you serious? If I posted an article equating you to a downright moron, would you not feel slammed? I think that we both know the answer to that.
As to the fact that you will not "stop speaking out about Bush". I don't think that anyone has asked you to, but if you do want to "be in the middle, able to see both sides", I would suggest that you do not post quotes that ultimately equate the president to a moron. I would also suggest that you don't say things such as, "Before my Republican friends get angry...this is my blog, I can say whatever I want." Isn't that one of your concerns with Bush? (his perceived "single mindedness" in saying, I am president of the United States of America, I can do whatever I want..)
I'm sorry but I cannot equate some of your posts as "Middle of the Road".
As to your comment asking me not to lump any of your democratic friends in with you.
I lumped you two together in regards your shared belief on the "Moron's Unite" post. Dylan posted a comment, and you responded by writing, "You know, actually, I completely agree with you." I thought it was relatively safe to think that you two were on the same page in regards to that post. If anywhere in my post did I imply that both of you share the same views across the board on political issues, then I do apologize.
First of All, You have the right to question Bush's intentions here, but if I were you, I would put a smile on my face and jump for joy at the thought of a moderate Republican filling the Attorney General seat. Once again, there IS a Republican president and Congress in place....
As to your comment that you are not single-minded referenced by the fact that you were "praising Bush yesterday for his pick for AG". Be careful before you bruise your back from patting it to hard. The only comment that you posted that could come remotely close to praise for the Bush administration was this, "Perhaps this will be a trend for Bush's new administration. A more middle of the road cabinet could do a lot to ease Liberal's concerns and could take some pressure off of this almost violently polarized country by appeasing both sides." I hate to speak for the general public, but most people wouldn't use the word praise to describe that quote.
As to your comment that you are "not exactly slamming him today". C'mon Ty, are you serious? If I posted an article equating you to a downright moron, would you not feel slammed? I think that we both know the answer to that.
As to the fact that you will not "stop speaking out about Bush". I don't think that anyone has asked you to, but if you do want to "be in the middle, able to see both sides", I would suggest that you do not post quotes that ultimately equate the president to a moron. I would also suggest that you don't say things such as, "Before my Republican friends get angry...this is my blog, I can say whatever I want." Isn't that one of your concerns with Bush? (his perceived "single mindedness" in saying, I am president of the United States of America, I can do whatever I want..)
I'm sorry but I cannot equate some of your posts as "Middle of the Road".
As to your comment asking me not to lump any of your democratic friends in with you.
I lumped you two together in regards your shared belief on the "Moron's Unite" post. Dylan posted a comment, and you responded by writing, "You know, actually, I completely agree with you." I thought it was relatively safe to think that you two were on the same page in regards to that post. If anywhere in my post did I imply that both of you share the same views across the board on political issues, then I do apologize.
Oh. My. God. I've been so completely swamped at work that I haven't been able to read your blog in several days. And I arrive to find.....the contentiousness continues!! I won't be dumb enough to get involved this time.
Dylan, quick! Email Ty a photo of some bunnies in teacups.
I'll check back in a couple days and, damnit Ty, I expect to see some mindless drivel on this blog, little lady (said in a John Wayne voice.)
Hope you are all well!
Drivel is on it's way. I finished the conversation with Jeff in person last night, where we couldn't get so mad! We get umm, a little heated over politics...I will come up with some drivel soon. I have been so boring lately!! Oh and I do have one more serious post to make, but I don't think it will cause any drama.
Lori, I will work on getting bitten by more spiders for you so I have some good drivel for you to read!! Oh, how does a nice SNAKE bite sound?? Would that do it? I am sure I can find one!! ;-)
Jeff, I think, sir, that you might wanna try switching to decaf.
That is all.
Well, you might have figured this out already, but I know where Jeff's buttons are. And sometimes I press them with reckless abandon! But who wouldn't!? They are are these big shiny red buttons with sparkles all over them! Who could resist? ;-)
Ty, for the love of god, please stay away from snakes!!!!
I used to own a snake!! Love 'em!! I will go wallow in some after work! ;-)
I will switch to decaff... lol... I have some pretty strong view points and like to express them... I know that they might not always come across in the way that I mean them to (tone and inflection are not expressed in posts), and I apologize if I came across in the wrong way...