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Nov 2, 2004

I voted!
Let me first tell you my experience yesterday. I went online to and found out I would be voting at a church near my old apartment. As I looked at the map, I thought, I know exactly where that is. No problem. Then I drove by the location I thought was right. But there were no signs out front that usually signify a voting place like "Vote Here, Vote Aqui" and "Re-elect Major Pain-in-the-Ass-Congressman" and to top off the confusion, the "church" was called a Temple. Actually, it was Church of Faith Temple. I was totally confused...I didn't remember the Temple part from online so I drove on.

I checked again this morning, dreading that I had to go vote on Election Day because I had heard stories of horrifically long lines. And too my surprise, I had been at the right place. So I went over around 9:30 this morning trudged all the way around the building to the back (they made us enter the back of the building but gave no indication from the front that we would have to do so) while it was raining.

I made it inside and found only four people in line and patiently waited to see if I was on the list. I was concerned about this because, although I had registered, I had done it shortly before I moved and my registration card had not come in the mail, presumably it is still in transition. But sure enough I was there. I signed my name, and proceeded to the voting area. I chose a small booth two from the end of the row. In my precinct, we use a Scantron voting system. Remember Scantron?? You fill in a little bubble next to the candidate you want. Easy-peezy. As I was voting I thought it would make a lot of sense if all ballots were cast this way. It is a nice combination of electronic and low tech voting. But alas, the states that really need a system like that are SOL. After I fillled out my votes for president--did you realize Nader isn't on the Texas ballot??--I voted for congressmen and a slew of judges. I checked over my work, and carried my ballot to the Scantron machine which ate my ballot and counted all of my votes.

I have voted. Done.
posted by Ty @ 11/02/2004

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