Plays Well With Others...
Actually, Cuz, I was very impressed by you and the job you did in NY. In the past three weeks Ive learned that you are very fun, incredibly smart, and, most importantly, someone who can be counted on in time of need. That combination is very rare indeed.
I hope you are proud of yourself for this, you really showed what a high character person you are. You took on alot of responsibility on your Grandma's behalf and accomplished all the things that needed to be done, even when the "adults" in the room were too frazzled to function. I know that your "Mamaw" will be extremely proud of you as well.
Hopefully Ill see you soon under better circumstances,
Thanks Rob, ditto on all of that. You were there for us too. I really can't tell you how lucky I feel to know my family is made up of people like you...(I am generously excluding your brothers at the moment...hopefully they will prove they have our same last name soon...)Enjoy the beach for me!! (Sooo jealous...)