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Aug 22, 2005

Wedding Bells
So this weekend I bought a wedding cake.

“Wait,” you say! “What?? Back up just one minute…What did I miss??”

Unfortunately, not nearly as much as I wish you had!

Let me back up. Friday, my friend, we shall call him James, heck, Jimmy for short…Anyway, Jimmy called and asked what I was doing with my Saturday evening. For the first time in several months, my answer was “nothing, nada.”

Jimmy asked if I would like to go to a Charity event for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Kind of swanky, he said. Uh, oh, I said…Swanky. All the swank has fallen out of my closet…Save that one awesome pair of black Banana Republic Tuxedo pants and a strapless black BP shirt with satiny black diagonal lines on the matte fabric. And some fabulous new pewter colored earrings that hang nearly to my shoulders. Whew…saved. “Yes, Jimmy, I would love to go.”

We decided that the presence of an open bar, and free food deserved a cab ride. The event was in Las Colinas, and all we had was the address. We pulled up and realized it was at The Las Colinas Movie Studios! (For those of you not from Dallas, or like Jimmy, and live in Dallas and still have no idea what I am talking about, The LC Studios are where JFK was filmed and Walker, Texas Ranger, and just about every Chuck Norris movie, and several other things.) We got out of the cab, and noticed we were the only ones doing so…we are such lushes. Then we walked up a red carpet, past a Bentley and a Maserati that were on display, and into the studios. Three rooms were being used for the event. One was for an art auction, and later a casino, one was for a silent auction, and one was a ballroom sized studio being used for the dinner, live band and live auction.

We went into the silent auction room first, and found ourselves face to face with auction items we could only hope to bid on some time in the future. Golf, hockey, and baseball memorabilia and packages were the first things we found. Things like an entire season of Dallas Stars tickets, or a private party in one of the VIP boxes for yourself and 18 friends, or a hockey stick signed by Brett Hull…You get the idea. After a while, I wandered to the middle of the auction room. These tables were set up more for women. Things from Pier One, photo sessions, facials, and…

A wedding cake worth $850 from A Taste of Europe. Minimum bid of $250.

Huh. Wish I needed a wedding cake. Hmmm…Jackie’s sister is getting married…huh. Don’t think she has a cake yet…

{Pull out my cell}

“Hey Jackie! How’s it goin’? Oh yeah, having a blast! I’m in the silent auction right now! Guess what they have for auction?! A wedding cake! Think Suzanne would want to bid on it? Ok, sweet! Let me know what your dad says.”

{1 minute later}

“Awesome! Ok, up to $500. Got it! How fun!!”

I bid $250 for the cake…

We went to dinner. The ballroom was huge. My favorite part and really the only thing that stuck with me, was that they had hung about 500-1000 strings of Christmas lights from the ceiling. The lights just hung straight down. It was beautiful. So while we ate, we listened to the band, the guys smoked the Cigars that had been given to us at the table, and I realized I had better check on my bid.

Uh, oh, some one bid! $350!! Ok, I will bid $400 and if they bid $500, I will sneak in at 8:59 and bid $501.

I went back in ballroom and watched the live auction, including a new Lexus hybrid SUV that was auctioned for $43,000. Very cool.

Then it was time for the end of the silent auction. No one had bid on the cake again. Whew. I waited and hovered near the cake’s auction sheet until 9:00 expecting that at any moment, someone would walk up and steal it away from me!

But no, it was safe! I won the cake!!

Sunday, Jackie came over with a check for the $400.

I owned a wedding cake for about 18 hours, people…that was a close one.
posted by Ty @ 8/22/2005
At 7:15 PM, August 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a pretty fun night. Every time I bid on something at an auction, someone else always does the $1 over at the last minute trick.

Anyway, that was really thoughtful to think of your friend at an opportunity like that.

At 1:04 PM, August 23, 2005, Blogger Anita said...

Wow, that's cool. And what a deal! I always feel like a big loser at those because I'm all poor and shit and I can't really bid on anything. But I look nice when I go!


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