Plays Well With Others...
Many people would arge that our country was founded on the protection of the church FROM the state. The puratins were persecuted, so they moved to a new place (please excuse all my horrible spelling, no spell check).
But I agree that state and church should be seperate-BUT lets be realistic, they are not. God is on our money, a president has never had an innaugural address without mentioning God. And frankly, they are just talking about any God, but a judeo-christian God.
As for the churches, I guess I don't really mind them, but then again, we vote by mail in Oregon so I no longer have to go to the polls. Maybe a potent crusifix would scare me into voting differently, but I doubt it. I would not, however, bring my children with me to vote at a church. I have made up my mind, but they have not.
Sorry, yes, I put a modern addition on that one...protecting the Church FROM the State.
It's not that I mind the churches, or a synagogue or a mosque, it's just that it seems inappropriate.
Also, just to point this out, let's say in some neighborhood, the polling place was in a Mosque. If you were Jewish, couldn't that be a bit intimidating? You may still go there to vote, but it seems unnecessary to put someone in that position.
As for God being included in much of our government, that is true, and honestly, that doesn't much bother me. But none of the things you mentioned are things that change the way this country is run. Voting does.
I like your point about not bringing your child there...
Keep it coming guys!! I'd love some more opinions.
I have always thought that was odd and made for strange bedfellows. Just strikes me as wrong....