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Jan 21, 2007

Seedlings are Sprouting!
I have started the photolog of my seedlings' growth! Their progress will be tracked on my Flickr site. (click the picture...)

In other news, go rent The Illusionist. It's really good! I watched it last night, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Also, I made whole wheat pasta from scratch. Can I tell you how much better it tastes than store bought whole wheat pasta??? It's a rather big pain to make, but it was quite tasty.

In other, other news, I am totally procrastinating right now by posting this. I have been cleaning out my closet today. What a mess! I have already pulled three trashbags worth of stuff to give to Goodwill. Whew! It's amazing though. There is ROOM in my closet!

Ok. Back to the cleaning I go.

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posted by Ty @ 1/21/2007
At 8:35 AM, January 22, 2007, Blogger Sarah said...

Oh, the roommate rented The Illusionist like a week ago and I watched it. All I can say (and I've said it before) is that Ed Norton has sucked ever since he broke up with Salma Hayek. He was better as the practically uncredited leper brother in Kingdom of Heaven...

You're so crafty with your plants and your pasta. I'm lucky if I cook packaged spaghetti noodles, and I've killed every plant I was ever given. :o(

At 8:52 AM, January 22, 2007, Blogger Ty said...

Hmm...Interesting. Hadn't thought of him that way. But that does seem accurate. I liked him in The Illusionist though. It was the first movie I have started watching after 10:30pm and didn't fall asleep during in like a year!

Well, I will give myself credit for the pasta, cause dude, that was a pain in the ass! Even WITH the electric KitchenAid Mixer attachment. But the plants...I SUCK at keeping plants alive. Hence the need to blog the seedlings! :)

At 1:33 AM, January 24, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, they're doing so well!

In the little picture (before I clicked to make it big), they looked like sushi. Now I'm hungry..


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