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Dec 21, 2004

Mini News
I heard to today that after the botched nomination of Kerik, the increase in suicide bombers in Iraq, and the flak that Rumsfeld is getting, Bush's approval rating is down 6%. In one month. He is now at 49%. That "mandate" is slipping, folks!


In other news, I just read that pregnant women aren't supposed to eat raw fish...NO SUSHI??? I may never have kids now!! No caffeine AND no sushi! for 9 MONTHS?? I don't think I could take it! Oh, and I bet that means no raw oysters either!

--Just thought of something, I guess you could still eat the cooked stuff, shrimp rolls and California rolls...but no sashimi?? I love that stuff!!
posted by Ty @ 12/21/2004
At 1:23 AM, December 22, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its great that Kerik is gone and hopefully Rumsfeld in the next few months as well. Here is some even scarier news, it turns out that Bush himself may have been involved in approving torture of prisoners, as shown by FBI and Defense Department emails. Here's a link to that story:

since i know most people are conservative in Texas and dont trust the ACLU, I'll add that the story is being picked up by major news organizations (CNN, the BBC, NYtimes, Washington Post and even -cough, cough Fox- if you can call them news- but couldnt get top billing today because of the attacks in Mosul).

Also, the new word for pregnant women is that they can have 1/2 a glass of wine a day...that's good, no? but dont go trying that anytime soon, Cuz...

Rob in NY

At 8:23 AM, December 22, 2004, Blogger Ty said...

Wow! Thanks for the info! So that's what all those degrees get ya!! ;-)

It sounded more today like Rumsfeld is about to get the boot than I have ever heard it. I hope that holds up. But the scary thing is, who would Bush replace him with?

And yes, the majority in Texas are Republicans but don't be shy with your opinions. I think (I could be wrong, but I THINK) the majority of my readers are Dems and independents (although I know there are several Republicans reading and I by no means want to run you off!), but either way, A) they are YOUR opinions and B) You are plenty smart enough to defend them!

1/2 a glass of wine eh? I'll have to remember that! For WAAAYY in the future. :)


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