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Mar 16, 2005

Geez, I'm Boring...
I have NOTHING interesting to tell you. After this weekend I am sure I will have a plethora of stories, but as of today, I am as boring as a grandma in a rocking chair. I have done nothing noteworthy this week. Today was supposed to be the first day of the first volleyball season of 2005, but that was quashed because it is a bit too frigid outside to be playing sand volleyball! So now I am free tonight to do nothing. I think I may bleach out my cooler for this weekend--yes I can be a wildly exciting chick!

Did I tell you? This weekend is the big trip to Blue, Oklahoma! That is where we were flooded in in January. It looks like there will be around 10 people there--in a one bedroom house...with guns...lots of them...and beers...lots of those too. Sometimes I enjoy these "Texan" things (or I guess in this case, this Okie thing). And I am kind of stoked to wear the holster and fire that old .22 again. I am quite surprised, but it seems I kind of enjoyed firing a gun. Now, we just shoot at cans and skeet, and I would never want to shoot something alive, but the act of just aiming and shooting was surprisingly interesting!

But I guess I shouldn't be too surprised! My mother won a sharp shooting award when she was a kid...They used to teach kids (11, 12 years old) how to fire a rifle at summer camp!! I am sure there are still camps that do that, but I would think they were more specialized today. This was just a generic camp!!

Anyway, I am off to Blue Friday afternoon. Can't wait!
posted by Ty @ 3/16/2005

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