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Mar 4, 2005

Religious Convictions
I wish I had something witty to say today, but nothin' is coming to me. It's been a slow week. But I will tell you about something a friend told me...Super Bowl Sunday we were chatting about stuff. Just basic chitchat, and somehow, we got on the topic of my family, and the fact that my mother is Methodist and my father is Jewish. Well, he looked over at me and said, "so then you are Mewish!" He just reminded me of that conversation a couple days ago, and I laughed out loud all over again! It's perfect! That's exactly what I am! I'm not religious, but I have taken influences from both religions. I am Mewish!
posted by Ty @ 3/04/2005
At 4:50 PM, March 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had an unfortunate run of boyfriends who were both British and Jewish. Alyson dubbed them "Brewish."

I highly recommend Finns over Brewish boyfriends. But, to each his/her own.


At 7:10 PM, March 04, 2005, Blogger Ty said...

hook me up! Tall blonde guys are totally my type!! ;-)

At 8:59 PM, March 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, my god. If it's tall blonde guys you have hit the motherlode! Janne, Saku, Jarkka..just pick one out and we'll set it up.

Damn...wish I still had my photo albums up and you could just go shopping...



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