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Mar 25, 2005

A Lesson Learned
About three months ago, I noticed a lump. It was on the left side of my left breast. I had heard about people who have fibrous tissue that swells with their monthly cycle so I had decided it must be that. Two months later, it was still there, and I went to see my doctor. She thought the same thing I did, but wanted to check it again when I came in for my annual exam which was two weeks after that appointment.

When she checked it again, she said she had hoped it would have gone down, as that would be a sure sign of fibrous tissue. As it had not, she referred me to a diagnostic clinic to get an ultrasound.

Today was the appointment. I was a nervous wreck. The office was quite nice with marble floors, a large chandelier, and upolstered wing chairs, and they had soft classical music playing in a fairly obvious attempt to calm down their patients. I filled out the forms and waited. When my name was called, the receptionist took my insurance information and then told me to go through a door and meet her on the other side. I did so, and was led into a room much like a department store dressing room. I was told to change into a loose top and lock my belongings in the dressing room, and then wait for my turn in some more wing chairs.

I sat down as a young women was coming out of her appointment. One lady, around 35 I would guess, asked how it was. The first lady said it wasn't that bad, and that everything was fine. She was quite obviously extremely relieved. But then she looked at us and realized we we were both young and said as much. It was suprising to see so many young faces there. I would say it was about 50/50 over 40 and under 40.

We chatted nervously about what had brought us here, and all had the same story. We noticed a lump, and had procrastinated getting it checked out. One woman had waited an entire year. I am worried for her. I hope everything is ok. It seems that if the lump were there that long, it must be something, right?

Finally, it was my turn. I was led into a generic doctors office, but it had low lighting. This was to see the ultrasound, but I found it a bit relaxing. They also had real sheets and pillows on the table. That was much nicer and much more calming than the paper ones I am used to.

The nurse did the ultrasound, and then said Dr. Minh would want to examine me. The tone in her voice made me nervous. She handed me a magazine to read while I waited but I have no clue what I read. My heart was racing and I was as scared as I have ever been.

There was a soft knock at the door, and Dr. Minh appeared. He repeated what the nurse had done, and declared me fine. I think it was hard for me to believe. I sat there momentarily stunned. I had heard nervousness in the nurse's voice so it was difficult to believe everything was fine.

But it was. It is simply fibrous tissue. It isn't even a benign cyst. It will go away on its own.

I cannot tell you how relieved I was. I am so glad I went. If you are ever in a similar situation ladies, go. Eight out of ten times, it's nothing. And the worry and stress I have felt for the last three months was for naught.

My relief was so overwhelming, I got in my car and started to cry. Not out of sadness, not out of happiness, just out of pent up emotion.
posted by Ty @ 3/25/2005
At 1:36 PM, March 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank goodness it wasn't serious! Im glad to hear you are well,
Cuz, Rob

At 3:10 PM, March 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went through a very similar experience about a year ago. After a routine mammogram, I received a cryptic message on a Friday afternoon (there should be a law against messages left on home vm by doctor's offices on Friday afternoons)saying that she was ordering another mammogram. I called on Monday, they said there was something abnormal, but the Dr wasn't very worried, but to call and make an appt for a follow-up mammogram.

The mammography place couldn't get me in for a month, and my said there was no reason for her to pull strings to get me in sooner, since she "really wasn't that worried" about it. So, I fretted for a month and finally went in and the exact same message came on another Friday. This time they wanted me to go in for a sonogram and this time I said "if you tell me you can't get me in for a month I will commit some horrible crime."

Two weeks later we did the sonogram and the doc said it was nothing to worry about but that he wanted me to do another mammogram in six months. I did that one and the weirdness is still there, but it's the same weirdness as before (i.e. not growing, changing weirdness)so I'm back to annual mammograms.

I encourage every woman I know who is over 25 to request mammograms. I know they used to say you didn't need them until you were pushing 40...but we also didn't used to have food full of strange chemicals and younger and younger women being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Ty, I'm so relieved to hear that you are ok and I'm so glad that you went to get your concerns checked out. AND, I know all about those tears you cried in your car after the appointment.

I did the same thing.


At 4:54 PM, March 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are Ok!!!


At 10:38 AM, March 27, 2005, Blogger Ty said...

Thanks, Everybody!

Ugh, Lori...I am so sorry you had to go through that. I am glad everything was fine for you too.

At 4:35 AM, March 29, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't know me but I know Aubrie (In a Nutshell) and she's my best friend. Anyway, when I was 20 I had to go in and get a biopsy done on a lump. One of the scariest things ever! My mom has fribroadenomas (sp?), benign tumors, so I figured that's what it was, but you're still nervous. To agree, those people are so nice when you go in. I got to watch the sonogram pic when they were getting the biopsy piece- so weird to see the device in my body but not feel anything! And it turned out to be a fribro. like my mom. But I second the statement that women should ALWAYS check themselves once their breasts start growing!

At 2:33 PM, March 29, 2005, Blogger Ty said...

Elissa--Nice to meet you. I am sorry you had to go through that too...I am so glad that we are all ok though.


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