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Jan 26, 2006

Hmm, I haven't said anything in a few day...uh, well, let's see...I spent $93 at the grocery store on Tuesday. For just me. AND I saved $17 with my Kroger Plus Card! But my pantry is now well stuffed with healthy food, and I found out that Best Maid, that really cheap (but quite tasty) pickle company makes pickled okra...ever had pickled okra?? It's really good...REALLY good...

I also paid all of this month's bills at one time, officially making me broke as a joke...Christmas slaughtered my bank account. I was a REALLY good friend/daughter/granddaughter, people. The slaughter actually woke me up in the middle of the night. The screaming and scratching that was eminating from the inside of my computer monitor was unbearable. In the end, I managed to get a stay for two bills that aren't due to be executed until February 8th, in an attempt to fool myself into thinking I am not actually broke as a joke.

In other money matters, Bank of America's Keep The Change program is making me save a few pennies at least...It seems to be averaging $35 a month...not bad for the change left over from checkcard purchases. (If you are unaware of this plan, you sign up for it and they take the "change" from each purchase and put it in your savings account. So if you spend $4.22, 88 cents goes to savings.)

Let's see, what else...I checked out 6 books from the library yesterday, on resume and cover letter writing...I am completely stumped on where to start with the cover letters. They scare me. I am sure I will get over that, just like I got over writing my resume (the resume books are just sort of for reassurance that my resume sounds good...they have lots of examples in them. So far, I look pretty good on paper!). When I started rewriting my resume, I felt almost timid about it, but now, just a week later, I am helping my friends write theirs! lol...Which by the way, is sort of weird. I have so many friends looking for new jobs it's not even funny. Must be in the air...

I also have determined that it is quite possible to cook a totally guilty-feeling dinner and have it only contain 2 or 3 grams of fat...I know this, because I did it last night, and a couple hours later, when I was craving a snack, but told myself, no you ate a dinner that was bad for you, I realized that was completely wrong...and if I wanted a snack, I damn well could have one...great feeling...

Oh in fun news, my weekend, which I am not sure exactly how I will pay for, will be a blast! I'm headed downtown to hang out with the downtowner friends I have on Friday, and Saturday is Girl's Night! Yay! Fun times!
posted by Ty @ 1/26/2006
At 12:05 PM, January 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, B of A's Keep the Change is great, but doesn't it screw up your checking balance? I use it and I love that I'm saving money, but I swear, I can't balance my checkbook now to save my life! Because I count every checkcard purchase as a Keep the Change purchase, but if you tell them that your debit card is a credit card, it doesn't count! Argh!

At 12:20 PM, January 26, 2006, Blogger Ty said...

Well, first of all, I uh…I don’t really balance it…shhh…I figured out that the best way for me is to just keep a certain amount in there, and if I go below it, I’m “broke”…it’s worked well for me that way, since college…when I bounced a check on spring break! Ouch.

But I haven’t noticed a problem with using my checkcard as a credit card…that’s weird…I never use it as a debit card at all actually…

But I guess at this point, I can pretty much count on about a $35 difference from what I think is in there at the end of the month. I use pretty much use my checkcard almost exclusively now…

I’m impressed that you CAN balance your checkbook though! J

At 3:41 PM, January 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But don't the prices at Kroger seem a little high to begin with?

– Texas T-bone


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