Ooophf...Ever read something and feel like you just got hit in the stomach? I just did.
Swirly Girl said the following,
Today's a Jamiroquai kinda day. Dance your fool head off and be impressed with the bass lines (but not in this song in particular).
Remember that video? His energy and pure freedom? That feeling of standing in front of your bedroom mirror, hairbrush in hand, singing every word--even the ones you don't know--and dancing like you are on stage at Madison Square Gardens and every step is perfect?
I realized this morning, I haven't woken up with that feeling in a long time. Not since my birthday at least, and before that, I have no idea. I used to. I used to feel that way in the mornings. Now I just try to sleep every last minute I can, and fly around my house racing to get to work reasonably on time. What happened to that feeling? That random day when I would wake up giddy to get going?
I really need to find it again.