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Apr 4, 2005

The World Keeps Getting Smaller
Remember that game, Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? Well, I am starting Six Degrees of Blogger Seperation.

A while back, a friend told me about his hockey team--a bunch of tall Finnish guys who work at Nokia...I filed that away but didn't think much of it. Somewhere in the same period of time Lori talked about her Pasi's hockey team. Again, as it was to be filed away, I didn't think to hard on the topic.

A couple weeks ago, Lori joked that I should try out Finnish guys and said I should go to one of Pasi's games with her to "shop." She told me about one, but I forgot to e-mail her back. Well, the other day, I talked to my friend, and remembered all of this and decided to ask him if he knew a guy named Pasi. Would you believe, they are on the same hockey team!! He knows Pasi, and he has actually met Lori! I couldn't believe it! I told him what Lori wanted to do, and he invited me out to the game again.

Sooo...I could be meeting a tall, blonde Finnish guy well as Lori!
posted by Ty @ 4/04/2005
At 12:35 PM, April 04, 2005, Blogger Dylan said...

Be careful when you meet Lori. That girl is Cuh-RAAAAAAAZY.

At 5:55 PM, April 04, 2005, Blogger Ty said...

Cuh-RAAAAAAAZY, eh?? Ah, but she knows tall, blonde European men...I will take my chances!


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