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Feb 16, 2006

Thoracic Roller Derby
Had an x-ray done today. Of my thoracic spine. That's the middle of your back. Where no normal person manages to hurt themselves. Except me of course. The doctor asked me if I could pinpoint the pain. Which I can do to within an area the size of my fist. Basically, if I put my arm behind my back and pull my fist up to my bra strap, and point the circle created by my index finger and thumb at my back, that is where it hurts. That's apparently fairly exact. So he asked if it hurt when he pressed on it. No. Well, that creates confusion. If I couldn't pinpoint the location of the pain, it would most likely be a muscular problem. If I could pinpoint it, and it hurt to be touched, it would be a bone problem. Of course, my body is weird. But because I had a back problem in 2002 (from slipping in the kitchen of the restaurant I waited tables in) and it had affected the same spot, I had to get an x-ray. Depending on what comes back on the x-ray, I may need an MRI. Ah, fun. On the plus side, he gave me a prescription for Naproxen and a muscle relaxer (dunno the name, his hand writing sucks).

Damn roller skates that were too much fun! Well, at least I gave my doctor a good laugh when I told him how I hurt myself!
posted by Ty @ 2/16/2006
At 1:30 AM, February 17, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Glad you didn't break any part of your back! An MRI is easy and I've had them, so don't worry because if he suggests it, he's being really thorough. Nice site. I'll look around while I'm here from Michele!

At 11:14 PM, February 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ty--go directly to B&N and buy a book called "Pain Free" by Pete Egoscue. This book saved me from having neck surgery three years ago(I had several ruptured disks). Call me if you wanna talk-I can tell you about their traveling clinics. Just don't let anyone even talk to you about surgery until you've tried the Egoscue method. They also have a website. Just google "esgoscue" and you'll find it.

Feel better!!


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